<% if session("S_login")="" then Response.Redirect "default.asp" end if %> 用户首页
<% txt_xingming=request.form("txt_xingming") txt_title=request.form("txt_title") txt_guojia=request.form("txt_guojia") txt_jigou=request.form("txt_jigou") rad_sex=request.form("rad_sex") txt_ly=request.form("txt_ly") txt_startdate=request.form("txt_startdate") txt_enddate=request.form("txt_enddate") dim db,trs Set db=new Connections set trs=server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset") strsql="select * from Member_Info where 1=1" if txt_xingming<>"" then strSql=strSql & " and M_NAME like '%"&txt_xingming&"%'" end if if txt_title<>"" then strSql=strSql & " and M_TITLE like '%"&txt_title&"%'" end if if txt_guojia<>"" then strSql=strSql & " and M_COUNTRY='"&txt_guojia&"'" end if if txt_jigou<>"" then strSql=strSql & " and M_AGENCIES like '%"&txt_jigou&"%'" end if if rad_sex<>"" then strSql=strSql & " and M_SEX='"&rad_sex&"'" end if '最新修改 5.20 if txt_ly<>"" then if txt_ly=0 then strSql=strSql & " and Tour_price=0" else strSql=strSql & " and Tour_price<>0" end if end if if txt_startdate<>"" and txt_enddate<>"" then strSql=strSql & " and (REG_TIME between #"& txt_startdate &"# and #"& txt_enddate & "#)" end if set trs=db.Query (strsql,1) if not trs.eof or not trs.bof then page_size=15 totalrecord=db.GetRecordcount(trs) totalpage=db.GetPagecount(totalrecord,page_size) nowpage=Request("page") if nowpage="" or cint(nowpage)<1 then nowpage=1 else nowpage=cint(nowpage) end if trs.movefirst trs.move (nowpage-1)*page_size else response.Write "


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" response.end end If while not trs.eof And i <% i=i+1 trs.movenext Wend %>
选择 姓名 国家 头衔 机构 旅游 注册时间 操作
bgcolor="#CCDEFF"<%else%> bgcolor="#9FC0FD"<%end if%> align="center" style="cursor:hand"> "> bgcolor="#CCDEFF"<%else%> bgcolor="#9FC0FD"<%end if%> align="center">"><%=trs("M_SEX")%> <%=trs("M_NAME")%> bgcolor="#CCDEFF"<%else%> bgcolor="#9FC0FD"<%end if%> align="center"><%=trs("M_COUNTRY")%> bgcolor="#CCDEFF"<%else%> bgcolor="#9FC0FD"<%end if%> align="center"><%=trs("M_TITLE")%> bgcolor="#CCDEFF"<%else%> bgcolor="#9FC0FD"<%end if%> align="center"><%=trs("M_AGENCIES")%> bgcolor="#CCDEFF"<%else%> bgcolor="#9FC0FD"<%end if%> align="center"> <% if trs("tour_price")<>0 and trs("tour_price")<>"" then response.Write "" else response.Write("否") end if %> bgcolor="#CCDEFF"<%else%> bgcolor="#9FC0FD"<%end if%> align="center"><%=trs("REG_TIME")%> bgcolor="#CCDEFF"<%else%> bgcolor="#9FC0FD"<%end if%> align="center"> none<%end if%>" href="Member_Modify.asp?ID=<%=trs("MEMBER_ID")%>">修改

<% showpage totalrecord,totalpage,nowpage,"search_list.asp?txt_xingming="& txt_xingming &"&txt_title="& txt_title &"&txt_guojia="& txt_guojia &"&txt_jigou="& txt_jigou &"&rad_sex="& rad_sex &"&txt_ly="& txt_ly &"&txt_startdate="& txt_startdate &"&txt_enddate="& txt_enddate Set db=nothing %>  全部选中    none<%end if%>" name='delbtn' value='删除' type='button' onClick="cdel()">