Price(Please note that the fee below does not include the currency exchange rate)
<% set rs=server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset") sql="select PriceNameCH,ContentCH,SortPath from Price" sql,conn,1,1 do while not rs.eof response.Write "


" rs.movenext loop %>

Register 3 - the 4th is Free! If 3 people have registered in a team, the 4th person is free!
Student can enjoy 50% discount by showing the student ID (Not Include Lunch, Banquet and Coffee Break).
Spouse or Private Accompany enjoy 50% discount for attending the workshops
Full-time employees of government, universities and university-affiliated hospitals only may attend at the academic rate
Children under 18 are free for lecture but need to pay for meal passes, parents are fully responsible for travel safety and health issues.
Poster presenter need to pay full registration fee plus poster place renting fee.
For on-site registration, please add $200 to the total fee.
Every Exhibition Booth includes one pass with all access and five passes with "Booth Only".