Call for Speakers

Speaker Information

All speakers have the opportunity to write a short abstract of their research work. Please send your Abstract by E-mail to the attention of mailto: Selected Abstracts will be listed on the conference website after acceptation.
We kindly request that you keep the cut-off dates for paper submission in mind: Feb. 15, 2010

Please prepare your presentation in English AND Chinese language. The absolute deadline to include your presentation in the Conference Proceedings is Feb. 15, 2010 . We need to receive your paper in our office on or before this date! PAPERS RECEIVED AFTER THIS DATE CANNOT BE INCLUDED IN THE PRINTED CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS. Please submit your paper in MS Yolanda , please E-mail to: you need to make changes or withdraw your abstract/title from the program BEFORE THE CONFERENCE, please contact:

Please present in the following manner: Times New Roman, Exactly 15pt , 10, plain, bold. Your paper will contain the following
● Name, occupation, employer of speaker.
● Personal resume of speaker, published under the heading, 'About the Author'.
● Abstract.
Your paper will be printed as you deliver it, please make sure that all material is of a representative quality. Your paper should not exceed the limit of 1 A 4 page in length.
Important Note: NOT ACCEPTABLE are copies of overheads or PowerPoint slides as your written paper.

4. YOUR ORAL PRESENTATION ( Bilingual English / Chinese Slides are highly recommended )
Digital presentation
For your oral presentation you may bring a PowerPoint file on a CD or USB flash drive (memory sticks). The organizers will copy these files on the general lap-top for beamer projection.
In order to better share your achievements with large number of Chinese audience, you are highly recommended to prepare your slides both in English and Chinese, even some key points in Chinese, although the official language is English.

Use of your own laptop is not recommended
● Movies: If movies are in your Power Point files, please make sure that they are well formatted and connected to the main files.
● Timing: Please make sure your paper is well timed, and is within the allocated time slot in the program. Every speaker has a max. Of 20 minutes total, incl. speaking time & discussion. Please consider that the program is full and that the speaker after you would also like their allocated time available to them.